Scripts for your Site
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Free scripts for your site

Listing on Price Comparison Sites
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Registering Domain Names
Running Oracle Databases on Linux
Scripts for your Site
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Where to Host your Website

If you can't run scripts on your site:

If you can run scripts on your site: has a list of free script collections as well as a list of languages where you can find collections of scripts, including some in PHP.

Allow people to email you using forms on your website

  • Matt's script archive (and lots of other useful scripts)

    Guestbook (Visitors sign in and get added to web page)
    Formmail (Get the contents of any form mailed to you.)
    wwwboard (Web discussion board and message forum.)
    Counter (counters to display how many users have visited your site for your pages).


Show adverts on your site, use scripts to monitor user click-throughs to other sites.

  • Adrotate

    AdRotate is a program written in Perl that enables banner-ad rotation on a Web site. It can handle up to five seperate rotations. It tracks how many times each ad has been viewed and clicked.

  • Also see phpadsnew

  • Adfu.shtml

    Adfu is a collection of perl scripts which allow us to show people banner ads when they come to our sites.

Now you have added scripts to enliven your page

- see my page on e-commerce.


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